Zeal Central Placement Cell admin2025-01-21T08:56:33+00:00 Narhe Campus, Pune Posted 3 years ago Website Zeal Central Placement Cell, Pune Redefining Excellence Application Date of Application Applied for the Post of* ---T&P OfficerAssociate T&P OfficerAssitant T&P OfficerTraining/Placement ManagersT&P CoordinatorOffice Assistant (Clerk) Programs* ---EngineeringMBAMCAPolytechnicITI Institute / School Name* Zeal Central Placement Cell Came to know about vacancy from ---LokmatPudhariSocial MediaReference Name of Person* Designation* Institute* Personal Information Full Name* Date of Birth* Religion* HinduMuslimSikhChristan Caste* GeneralSCSTOBC Caste Category* Gender* MaleFemale Address* Marital Status* MarriedUnmarried Mobile No* Email* Languages Known Highest Qualification and Specialisation* ACADEMICS (START FROM SSC / Xth ) (Kindly attach copies of all certificates) S.S.C.* (10th) H.S.C. (12th) UG PG Ph.D No. of papers Published / Presented Professional Membership Skill Certification GATE Qualifed YesNo Foreign Language Certification Co curricular Activities Extracurricular Activities Upload Resume Attached Documents To speed up the process of selection kindly tick and carry below mentioned documents while coming for the interview process Aadhar CardDegree CertificatesSalary SlipPan CardExperience Certificate Do You Have Any Academic Experience* : YesNo ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE (IF ANY) (Note: Please mention only those experience for which you can provide experience letter) Organisation 1 Organisation Name Position/ Designation From To Gross Salary Reason for Leaving Organisation 2 Organisation Name Position/ Designation From To Gross Salary Reason for Leaving Organisation 3 Organisation Name Position/ Designation From To Gross Salary Reason for Leaving Organisation 4 Organisation Name Position/ Designation From To Gross Salary Reason for Leaving Total Academic Experiece Year Month Do You Have Any Industry Experience* : YesNo INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE (IF ANY) (Note: Please mention only those experience for which you can provide experience letter) Organisation 1 Organisation Name Position/ Designation From To Gross Salary Reason for Leaving Organisation 2 Organisation Name Position/ Designation From To Gross Salary Reason for Leaving Organisation 3 Organisation Name Position/ Designation From To Gross Salary Reason for Leaving Organisation 4 Organisation Name Position/ Designation From To Gross Salary Reason for Leaving Total Industrial Experiece Year Month Please leave this field empty. Please leave this field empty. Application for the Date of Application Applied for the Post of* ---PRINCIPAL (Junior College)PRINCIPAL (ITI)TEACHER (Junior College)HOD (Polytechnic)LECTURER (Polytechnic)PROFESSOR (Engineering)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Engineering)ASST. PROFESSOR (Engineering)PROFESSOR (MBA, MCA)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (MBA, MCA)ASST. PROFESSOR (MBA, MCA)TEACHING ASSISTANTLAB ASSISTANTTraining & PLACEMENT CO-ORDINATORPHYSICAL DIRECTORSTUDENT COUNSELORSOFT SKILLS TRAINEROFFICE SUPERINTENDENTCLERKWORKSHOP INSTRUCTORLIBRARIANINSTRUCTOR(Dance,Music,Photography)SPORTS COACH Institute / School Name* Zeal Institutes Came to know about vacancy from ---G-07 SakalG-08 JobzG-09 LokmatOthers Advertise No. : G-07 Published In : Sakal Start Date : 14/01/2021 End Date : 19/01/2021 Personal Information Name* Date of Birth* Religion* Caste* Caste Category* Gender* MaleFemale Address* Marital Status* MarriedUnmarried Mob.No* Email* Languages Known Hobbies ACADEMICS (START FROM SSC / Xth ) (Kindly attach copies of all certificates) Exam/Degree Degree Name Inst. & Uni. Discipline / Specialization Aggregate % of marks Year of Passing S.S.C.* (10th) H.S.C.* (12th) UG* PG* No of papers Published / Presented Professional Membership (if any) Skill Certification GATE Qualifed YesNo Foreign Language Certification (if any) Co curricular Activities Extracurricular Activities Attached Documents Aadhar CardDegree CertificatesSalary SlipPan CardExperience Certificate Do You Have Any Academic / Industry Experience* : YesNo ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE (IF ANY) (Note: Please mention only those experience for which you can provide experience letter) Organization Position/ Designation Period & Duration Gross Salary Reason for Leaving From To Please leave this field empty.