HomeZeal Institutes2025-02-28T07:13:30+00:00 Zeal InstitutesRedefining Excellence….We endeavour to be better than whatThe dynamic changes in a volatileworld give us edge in an egalitariansociety to nurture the virtue ofAparigraha in today’s generation.we were yesterday…. POLYTECHNICZeal PolytechnicComputer Engineering | Mechanical EngineeringElectronics & Telecommunication Civil Engineering | Electrical Engineering ENGINEERINGZeal College of Engineering & ResearchComputer Engineering | Mechanical EngineeringElectronics & Telecommunication | MBA Civil Engineering | Information TechnologyElectrical Engineering MBA / MCAZeal Institute of Business Administration, Computer Application and ResearchMBA | MCA MBAZeal Institute of Management and Computer ApplicationMBA Zeal Education Society Virtual Tour Exclusive Fellowship & Teaching Assistantship even for GATE 2021 Positive Score Common Application FormWe are ZEAL EDUCATION SOCIETYRedefining Excellence… as we believe excellence is a habit a part of being! 0YearsTIME 0STUDENTSALUMNI 0BOOKSLIBRARY 0YearsRESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTCourses we offer OUR PRESENCELIFE AT ZEAL