Teacher post reply
Dear [candiname],
We received your application.
The following are details of candidate for full resume.[Note open in chrome and take print as pdf]
Name of Candidate : [candiname]
For the Post of: [PostOf]
In Department: [DeptOf]
College Name: [CollegeOf]
Application for the | |||||
Post of | [PostOf] | For | [DeptOf] | of | [CollegeOf] |
Personal Information | |||
Name | [candiname] | ||
Date of Birth | [candidob] | ||
Father’s Name | [candifathername] |
Category | [candicateg] | Gender | [candigender] |
Cast | [candicast] | Sub Cast | [candisubcast] |
Permanent Address | [candipaddress] | ||
Present Contact Details | Mob.No | [canditel] | |
[candiemail] | |||
Emergency Contact Details (Parent / Spouse/Friends) | Mob.No | [candiemergncytel] | |
[candiemailemer] | |||
Address for Correspondence | [candipaddresscorres] | ||
Aadhar Number | [candiaadhar] | PAN | [candipan] |
Passport Number | [candipassportno] | Blood Group | [candibg] |
Marital Status (if married Annexure No.: I) | [candimarried] |
ACADEMICS (START FROM SSC / Xth ) (Kindly attach copies of all certificates) | ||||||||
Exam/Degree | Degree Name |
Regular/ External |
Inst. & Uni. | Course Duration | Discipline / Specialization | Aggregate % of marks | ||
Starting Year | Year Passing | Total No. of Years | ||||||
S.S.C. (10th) | [sscdegree] | [ssctype] | [sscinstiuni] | [sscsy] | [sscpy] | [ssctoy] | [sscspecialize] | [sscmarks] |
H.S.C. (12th) | [hscdegree] | [hsctype] | [hscinstiuni] | [hscsy] | [hscpy] | [hsctoy] | [hscspecialize] | [hscmarks] |
UG | [ugdegree] | [ugtype] | [uginstiuni] | [ugsy] | [ugpy] | [ugtoy] | [ugspecialize] | [ugmarks] |
PG | [pgdegree] | [pgtype] | [pginstiuni] | [pgsy] | [pgpy] | [pgtoy] | [pgspecialize] | [pgmarks] |
NET/SET | [netdegree] | [nettype] | [netinstiuni] | [netsy] | [netpy] | [nettoy] | [netspecialize] | [netmarks] |
Other | [otherdegree] | [othertype] | [otherinstiuni] | [othersy] | [otherpy] | [othertoy] | [otherspecialize] | [othermarks] |
Do you have any Academic Experience : [AcsExp-status]
ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE (IF ANY) (Note: Please mention only those experience for which you can provide experience letter) | ||||||
Organization | Position/ Designation | Taught level students | CTC Drawn | Period & Duration | Total | |
Pre-Primary/Primary/Secondary | From | To | ||||
.[ExpOrg-1] | [ExpDesg-1] | [explevel1 ] | [ExpCTC-1] | [ExpFrom-1] | [ExpTo-1] | [ExpTotal-1] |
.[ExpOrg-2] | [ExpDesg-2] | [explevel2 ] | [ExpCTC-2] | [ExpFrom-2] | [ExpTo-2] | [ExpTotal-2] |
.[ExpOrg-3] | [ExpDesg-3] | [explevel3 ] | [ExpCTC-3] | [ExpFrom-3] | [ExpTo-3] | [ExpTotal-3] |
.[ExpOrg-4] | [ExpDesg-4] | [explevel4 ] | [ExpCTC-4] | [ExpFrom-4] | [ExpTo-4] | [ExpTotal-4] |
.[ExpOrg-5] | [ExpDesg-5] | [explevel5 ] | [ExpCTC-5] | [ExpFrom-5] | [ExpTo-5] | [ExpTotal-5] |
Total Academic Experience | [ExpTotal] |
Subject in which you have competency to engage graduate / post graduate students | |||
Sr. No. | Subject | Year | Result (%) |
1 | [Subject-1] | [SubDate-1] | [SubRes-1] |
2 | [Subject-2] | [SubDate-2] | [SubRes-2] |
3 | [Subject-3] | [SubDate-3] | [SubRes-3] |
4 | [Subject-4] | [SubDate-4] | [SubRes-4] |
5 | [Subject-5] | [SubDate-5] | [SubRes-5] |
QUESTIONNAIRE (Important information to be filled up by the candidate) | |||||
1.Currently employed? (If Yes, Mention Organization Name and current Designation) | |||||
Ans: [Que-1] | |||||
2.IF selected, joining period required. | |||||
Ans: [Que-2] | |||||
3.If selected & subject to satisfactory performance, the number of years you would be committed to the Institute without any break in service. | |||||
Ans: [Que-3] | |||||
4.Why do you want to join us? | |||||
Ans: [Que-4] | |||||
5.Explain about your experience in your core functional areas / specialization (if any). | |||||
Ans: [Que-6] | |||||
6.What is your Income (if any)? (please give gross income and its break up, attach separate sheet if required) | |||||
Ans: [Que-7] | |||||
7.What is your expected salary? | |||||
Current Salary (Gross in INR) | [QueCurrentSalary] | Expected Salary (Gross in INR) | [QueExpectedSalary] | ||
8.How did you come to know about Zeal? Please mention source. | |||||
Ans: [Que-9] | |||||
9. What is your aspiration for Zeal Institutes, if join? | |||||
Ans: [Que-10] | |||||
10. If your reference is Zeal Employee/Associate: | |||||
Name | [QueRefName-11] | ||||
[QueRefEmail-11] | |||||
11. Reference Details | |||||
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Organization | Contact Details | |
Contact No. | |||||
1 | [OueRefName-121] | [OueRefDesg-121] | [OueRefOrg-121] | [OueRefContact-121] | [OueRefEmail-121] |
2 | [OueRefName-122] | [OueRefDesg-122] | [OueRefOrg-122] | [OueRefContact-122] | [OueRefEmail-122] |
3 | [OueRefName-123] | [OueRefDesg-123] | [OueRefOrg-123] | [OueRefContact-123] | [OueRefEmail-123] |
Language Known | 1. [LanguageKnown-1] 2. [LanguageKnown-2] 3. [LanguageKnown-3] | ||||
Software tools | MS Office: [SoftwareKnown] | ||||
Software Tools Any Other | [OtherSoftware] |
Married Status: [candimarried]
Annexure No I: Married Person Family Details | ||
Name of Spouse | [SpouseName] | |
Employment Status | [SpouseEmpStatus] | |
If Working | ||
Designation | [SpouseDesg] | |
Organization (With Address) | [SpouseOrgAddr] | |
Office Contact details | ||
Contact No (Landline) | [SpouseOrgContact] | |
[SpouseOrgEmail] |
Children | [candichildern] | No. of Children | [candichildno] |
Children Information | ||
Sr No. | Name | Age |
1 | [ChildName-1] | [ChildAge-1] |
2 | [ChildName-2] | [ChildAge-2] |
3 | [ChildName-3] | [ChildAge-3] |
DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED:(Submission of all applicable certificates, testimonials is mandatory) | |||
1. Std. X Mark sheet | [SSCMarksheetAttch] | 7. Post Graduation Mark sheet | [PGMarksheetAttch] |
2. Std. X Certificate | [SSCCertificateAttch] | 8. Post Graduation Certificate | [PGCertificateAttch] |
3. Std. XII Mark sheet | [HSCMarksheetAttch] | 9. Certificate conferring Doctorate | [DoctorateCertifiAttch] |
4. Std. XII Certificate | [HSCCertificateAttch] | 10. Caste Certificate if applicable | [CastCertifiAttch] |
5. Graduation Mark sheet | [UGMarksheetAttch] | 11. PAN Card | [PANAttch] |
6. Graduation Certificate | [UGCertifiAttch] | 12. Experience Certificates | [ExpLetterAttch] |
Any Other Enclosures : | |||
1. Last Drawn Salary Slip | [LastDrawnSalaryAttch] | 2. Address proof | [AddreProofAttch] |
3. Aadhar Card | [AadharAttch] | 4. Psychometric Test Evaluation | [PsychometricTestAttch] |
5. Annexure I | [AnnexureI] | 6. Recommendation Letter (if any) | [RecomnendLetterAttch] |
[FormAccept] , I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information I have given on this form is correct. | |||
Date: | [FormSubDate] |