Redefining education in computer application to empower the dreams of budding IT professionals in conducive environment for sustainable and inclusive societal growth
- Transforming intellectual capital into a valuable asset by redefining education in Computer Applications through innovative and research-oriented teaching learning and setting an exemplary image for the progress of mankind.
- Providing a conducive environment to nurture natural talent and ensure holistic growth of future techno leaders
- Imbibing ethical values and adopting an inclusive approach to achieve sustainable growth of society
- Inculcating entrepreneurial culture through Industry Institute Interface and mentoring
- To equip the students with requisite knowledge, skills and right attitude necessary to provide effective leadership in a global environment.
- To develop competent IT professionals with sound technical knowledge, strong ethical values, capable of assuming a pivotal role in various sectors of the Indian Economy and Society, aligned with the national priorities.
- To develop proactive thinking so as to perform effectively in the dynamic socio-economic and business ecosystem.
- To harness entrepreneurial approach and skill sets.